Hôpital du Sacré-Cœur de Montréal – CIUSSS Nord-de-l’Île-de-Montréal (NIM)Category
Bariatric surgeryRecruitment status
Ongoing recruitmentSummary
This mixed-methods study will survey three groups of stakeholders (bariatric patients, health professionals in bariatric care, health administrators/policy makers) to identify the most pertinent behavioural weight management intervention strategies that could be used before and/or after bariatric surgery to enhance long-term weight loss maintenance and management.
The first step of the project consists of qualitative interviews (recruitment ongoing) to examine stakeholders’ opinions of the types of resources or support that could help bariatric patients with long-term weight management in the context of bariatric surgery. Subsequent steps of the project consist of a stakeholder survey and a consensus meeting to develop an initial trial protocol for the behavioural weight management intervention.
This study aims at identifying the most pertinent behavioural weight management intervention tools or strategies (e.g., nutritional counseling, structured exercise) that could be used before and/or after bariatric surgery to optimize long-term weight management after the surgery.
Cassandre Julien, Project coordinator
514-338-2222 ext. 3989
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR); Chair of Behavioural Medicine – Université du Québec à Montréal; Fonds de Recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQS)
- Fortin A, Lavoie KL, Ben-Porat T, Yousefi R, Peláez S, Studer AS, Bacon SL. Coconstruction of adjunct behavioral interventions to bariatric surgery: The INTER-Change program. Health Psychol. 2023 May;42(5):343-352. doi: 10.1037/hea0001277. PMID: 37036698.
- Julien C, Lavoie KL, Ribeiro P, Dragomir A, Mercier L, Garneau P, Pescarus R, Bacon SL. (2021). Behavioural weight management interventions in patients undergoing bariatric surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity Reviews 2021 Apr; 22(4):e13168.
- Julien CA, Dragomir AI, Mercier LA, Lavoie KL, Garneau P, Atlas H, Denis R, Pescarus R, Santosa S, Bacon SL. (2019). Behavioural lifestyle interventions for weight management in bariatric surgery: A Systematic Review. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 53(3): 302.