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Postdoctoral Fellowship Offer: International COVID-19 study

Project summary:

The iCARE Study (International Assessment of COVID-19-related Attitudes, Concerns, Responses and Impacts in Relation to Public Health Policies Study) is a multi-wave international study of public awareness, attitudes, concerns and behavioural responses to public health policies implemented to reduce the spread of COVID-19, as well as the multidimensional impacts of the pandemic on people around the world. It also links this behavioural survey data with policy, mobility and case data to provide recommendations to governments on how to optimise current policy strategies to reduce the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada and around the world.

Position summary:

The individual who is selected for this position will be expected to help the study PI’s, Drs. Simon Bacon and Kim Lavoie, with the international coordination of the study and to focus on data analysis from the study. They will also have the opportunity to work with the international investigative team, consisting of over 150 collaborators from around 40 countries, on a variety of study-related aspects including:

  • Quantitative methods and analyses
  • Epidemiological analyses
  • Participating in collaborator and stakeholder engagement activities
  • The development and dissemination of policy briefs
  • Knowledge translation and reporting

Required Qualifications:

  • PhD in a related applied clinical discipline (e.g., Epidemiology, Public Health, Psychology, Medicine)
  • Demonstrated experience conducting research in at least one of the following areas
    • Longitudinal cohort studies
    • Advanced statistical models
    • Population-level behaviour change
    • COVID-19 related research
    • Policy development
  • Effective oral and written communication skills
  • Excellent interpersonal skills
  • Demonstrated research productivity (peer-reviewed publications and conference presentations)
  • Ability to work autonomously and take a lead role on projects under the supervision of the principal investigators

Preference will be given to candidates with:

  • Experience with advanced statistical methods and ability to work with a variety of analytic software
  • Experience with student mentoring and supervision
  • Openness to learn new methods and techniques in an applied clinical setting
  • Ability to communicate (orally) in both English and French

Start date, Duration, Stipend, and Location:

The start date is flexible but not later than September 2023; funding has already been received.

The position is full time for one year and is renewable. The funding package consists of a stipend (consistent with CIHR funding levels) plus conference / training funding.

The successful candidate could be registered at Concordia University or UQAM; the actual work would be conducted at the CIUSSS-NIM, Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montreal. However, it should be noted that due to the pandemic the project is currently being managed remotely.

To apply, please forward the following:

  • A complete curriculum vitae, including summary of GPA’s, a full publication list (including hyperlinks where possible) and email contact details for two referees
  • A letter of motivation and statement of research accomplishments and future research goals
  • 2-3 research publications that best demonstrate your fit for the position

How to apply:

  • The complete application package must be emailed to: apply@mbmc-cmcm.ca.
  • Please include “iCARE Fellowship” in the subject line.
  • Queries about the application should be sent to either Dr. Lavoie (kiml_lavoie@yahoo.ca) or Dr. Bacon (simon.bacon@concordia.ca).
  • The closing date for receipt of applications is Friday July 7, 2023, 5pm Eastern Time.