• Research Platforms, Facilities and Services
    Functional Assessment and Psychophysiology Laboratory
    A new research lab at your fingertips for physical and psychological exercise testing

The Functional Assessment and Psychophysiology Laboratory was established in 2010 and is located at the Research Centre of Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal in the Axe des maladies chroniques. It is a unique space supervised by an exercise physiologist where functional and behavioral testing is conducted in patients with respiratory disease (i.e., asthma and COPD). The lab offers equipment to test both physical and psychological stress (i.e., maximal treadmill tests and mental stress tasks), as well as body composition analysis and ambulatory physical activity monitoring.

The aim of most current research projects is to elicit a change in behavior (i.e., stop smoking, start exercising, adhere to prescription medications). However, the equipment and resources available within the laboratory can be used to answer a multitude of research questions, which is why the space can be made available to any researcher interested in conducting a research project.

The laboratory research facilities are available on a fee for service basis on weekdays from 8am to 4pm (regular clinic hours). Researchers, fellows and postdoctoral students interested in conducting research projects may contact the Laboratory Coordinator by email or by phone at 514-338-2222 ext. 3944.