
  1. Altamirano V.F., Bacon S.L., Baró S., Benitez D. A., Caravello J. C., Filippa N. L., Gastaldo Z. G., Gómez Jiménez C., Grañana N. E., Lavoie K. L., Losada A. V., Medina P. I., Muñoz M. A., Nogueira Da Silva A. C., Peláez S., Pérez A. R., Potes M. V., Santojanni L. B., Sorbara S. E., Souza Godinho S., Taliercio A. E. & Zaracho, R. J. (2021). Representaciones Sociales sobre las Vacunas y la Vacunación frente al COVID 19. Revista Científica Arbitrada de la Fundación MenteClara, 6 (252). (published)
  2. Bacon, S. L, Lavoie, K. L., Boyle, J., Stojanovic, J., Joyal-Desmarais, K., for the iCARE Study team (2021). An international assessment of the link between COVID-19-related attitudes, concerns and behaviours in relation to public health policies: Optimising policy strategies to improve health, economic and quality of life outcomes (the iCARE Study): Protocol paper. BMJ Open. (published).
  3. Dev, R., Raparelli, V., Bacon, S. L., Lavoie, K. L., Pilote, L., Norris, C.M., on behalf of the iCARE Study Team. (2022). Impact of biological sex and gender-related factors on public engagement in protective health behaviours during the COVID-19 pandemic: cross-sectional analyses from a global survey. BMJ Open. (published)
  4. Bacon, S. L., Baro, S., Barreira, I., Caravello, J. C., Caruso, J. M. , Filippa, N., Gastaldo, Z., Gomez Jimenez, C. , Grañana, N. E., Lavoie, K. L., Losada, A. V., Muñoz, M. A., Nogueira Da Silva, A. C., Peláez, S., Peralta, M., Peralta, M. F., Perez, A. R., Perez Roma, F. L., Sorbara, S. E., Taliercio, A. E. & De Souza Godinho, S. (2020). Representaciones de las medidas gubernamentales en el contexto del COVID-19. Revista digital prospectivas en psicología 5, (1), 15-24. (published).
  5. Durand, H., Bacon, S. L., Byrne, M., Kenny, E., Lavoie, K. L., McGuire, B. E., McSharry, J. Meade, O., Mooney, R., Noone, C., O’Connor, L. L., O’Flaherty, K., & Molloy, G. J. (2020). Identifying and addressing psychosocial determinants of adherence to physical distancing guidance during the COVID-19 pandemic – project protocol. HRB Open Research. (published).
  6. Durand, H., Bacon, S. L., Byrne, M., Farrell, K., Kenny, E., Lavoie, K. L., McGuire, B. E., McSharry, J., Meade, O., Mooney, R., Noone, C., O’Connor, L. L., O’Flaherty, K., & Molloy, G. J. Adherence to physical distancing guidance in Ireland: a nationally representative analysis from the International COVID-19 Awareness and Responses Evaluation (iCARE) study [version 1; peer review: 1 approved with reservations]. HRB Open Res 2021, 4:36. (published)
  7. Enticott, J., Slifirski, W., Lavoie, K. L., Bacon, S. L., Teede, H., & Boyle, J. A. Knowledge, attitude, and self-reported practice towards measures for prevention of the spread of COVID-19 among Australians: A nationwide online longitudinal representative survey. Frontiers in Public Health. (published)
  8. Enticott, J., Gill, J., Bacon, S. L., Lavoie, K. L., Epstein, D., Dawadi, S., Teede, H., & Boyle, J. A. 2021. Attitudes towards vaccines and intention to vaccinate against COVID-19: Implications for public health communications in Australia. BMJ Open. (published)
  9. Lavoie, K. L., Gosselin Boucher, V., Stojanovic, J., Gupta, S. Gagné, M., Joyal-Desmarais, K., Séguin, K., Sheinfield-Gorin, S., Ribeiro, P., Voisard, B., Vallis, M., Corace, K., Presseau, J., & Bacon, S. L. 2021. Understanding national trends in COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in Canada – Results from five sequential cross-sectional representative surveys spanning April 2020 to March 2021. BMJ Open (published)
  10. Noone, C., Warner, N., Byrne, M., Durand, H., Lavoie, K. L., McGuire, B. E., McSharry, J., Meade, O., Morrissey, E., Molloy, G., O’Connor, L., & Toomey, E. (2020). Investigating and evaluating evidence of the behavioural determinants of adherence to social distancing measures: A protocol for a scoping review of COVID-19 research. HRB Open Research. (published).
  11. Stojanovic, J., Boucher, V. G., Boyle, J., Enticott, J., Lavoie, K. L., & Bacon, S. L. COVID-19 is not the flu: Four graphs from four countries. Frontiers in Public Health, 9, 191. (published).
  12. Stojanovic, J., Raparelli, V., Boccia, S., Lavoie, K. L., & Bacon, S. L. (2021). Public perceptions and behavioural responses to the COVID-19 emergency in Italy: Results from the iCARE study. European Journal of Public Health. (published)
  13. Stojanovic, J., Boucher, V. G., Gagné, M., Gupta, S., Joyal-Desmarais, K., Paduano, S., Aburub, A., Sheinfeld Gorin, S. N., Kassianos, A. P., Ribeiro, P. A. B., Bacon, S. L., & Lavoie, K. L. Global Trends and Correlates of COVID-19 Vaccination Hesitancy: Findings from the iCARE Study. Vaccines, 2021, 661, 1-13. (published)

Pre-prints and manuscripts under review

  1. Lavoie, K. L., Boucher, V. G., Stojanovic, J., Voisard, B., Szczepanik, G., Boyle, J. A., Bélanger-Gravel, A., Bacon, S. L., for the iCARE Study Team. 2021. Determinants of adherence to COVID-19 preventive behaviours in Canada: Results from the iCARE Study. medRxiv doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.06.09.21258634
  2. Joyal-Desmarais, K., Stojanovic, J., Kennedy, E.B., Enticott, J.C., Gosselin-Boucher, V., Vo, H., Košir, U., Lavoie, K.L., Bacon, S.L., for the iCARE Team (2021). How Well do covariates perform when adjusting for sampling bias in COVID-19 Research? Insights from Multiverse Analyses. Retrieved from psyarxiv.com/27sjd
  3. Baydoun, M., McLennan, A. I. G., Carlson, L. E., for the iCARE Study Team. People with cancer experience significantly worse psychosocial and financial consequences of COVID-19 compared to healthy individuals and other chronic disease populations: findings from the International COVID-19 Awareness and Response Evaluation (iCARE) Study (under review at Cancers).
  4. Caputo, E. L., Ribeiro, P. A. B., Lavoie, K. L., & Reichert F. F, on behalf of the iCARE Study Team. Physical activity and COVID-19 transmission concerns in countries from North and South America: Data from the iCARE study (under review at BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation).
  5. Gisinger, T., Dev, D., Kautzky, A., Harreiter, J., Raparelli, V., Kublickiene, K., Trinidad Herrero, M., Norris, C.M., Pilote, L., Kautzky-Willer, A., on behalf of the GOING-FWD Consortium and the iCARE Study Team. Sex and gender impact mental and emotional well-being during COVID-19 pandemic: A European countries experience (under review at Journal of Women’s Health)
  6. Torres, S., Lemos, M., & Román-Calderón, J.P. Capability, opportunity, motivation and the probability of getting vaccinated from COVID-19 in Latin America (under review at Plos One).

Manuscripts in progress

  1. Aumont, C., Stojanovic, J., & Bacon, S. L., on behalf of the iCARE Study. A three level approach for racial and ethnicity classifications for the iCARE study (working title).
  2. Boucher, V. G., Stojanovic, J., Lavoie, K. L., & Bacon, S. L. on behalf of the iCARE Study. Defining the different phases of the COVID-19 pandemic: an open access code development.
  3. Boucher, V. G., Yousefi, R., & Pelaez, S. COVID-19 risk communication around mask wearing in Canada: are we communicating properly the information.
  4. Deslauriers, F., Stojanovic, J., Séguin, K., Lavoie, K.L, & Bacon, S. L., The impacts of COVID-19 on the lives of Canadians with non-communicable disease: Results of the iCARE Study (working title)
  5. Léger, C. & Lavoie, K. L. Attitudes et intentions de vaccination contre la COVID-19 chez les travailleure.es de la santé Canadien.nes. Thèse de spécialisation présenté comme exigence partielle du baccalauréat en psychologie à l’Université du Québec à Montréal
  6. MacLeay, C., Stojanovic, J., Lavoie, K. L., Bacon, S. L., Olenja, J. M., Ayah, R., Naanyu, V., Godia, P. M., Kimani, E., Oburu, H., & Ziraba, A. Assessing attitudes, concerns and behavioural responses of the general public to public health policies in Kenya during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional survey (the iCARE Study) (working title).


  1. Léger, C. (2022, Avril) Attitudes et intentions de vaccination contre la COVID-19 chez les travailleur.es de la santé canadien.nes [Présentation de thèse d’honneur]. Congrès des thèses de spécialisation en psychologie de l’UQÀM 2022, Montréal, Québec, Canada.
  2. Aumont, C. (December 2, 2021). Survey methods: Classifying ethnicity. Invited talk at the iCARE Study International Symposium. View video
  3. Bacon, S. L. (December 2, 2021). Motivators for adherence to COVID-19 mitigation measures. Invited talk at the iCARE Study International Symposium. View video
  4. Baydoun, M., McLennan, A. I. G., & Carlson, L. E. (December 2, 2021). The psychosocial and quality of life implications of COVID-19: A comparison between cancer patients, healthy individuals, and other chronic disease populations. Invited talk at the iCARE Study International Symposium. View video
  5. Dawadi, S. (December 2, 2021). Adherence to COVID-19 protective behaviours -comparing Australia and Canada. Invited talk at the iCARE Study International Symposium. View video
  6. Deslauriers, F. (December 2, 2021). Impact of COVID-19 on the lives of Canadians living with a chronic disease. Invited talk at the iCARE Study International Symposium. View video
  7. Dev, R., Raparelli, V., Bacon, S. L., Lavoie, K. L., Pilote, L., & Norris, C. M. (December 2, 2021). Association of biological sex and gender-related factors with public engagement in protective health behaviours during the COVID-19 pandemic. Invited talk at the iCARE Study International Symposium. View video
  8. Durand, H., Bacon, S. L., Byrne, M., Farrell, K., Kenny, E., Lavoie, K. L., McGuire, B., McSharry, J., Meade, O., Mooney, R., Noone, C., O’Connor, L., O’Flaherty, K., & Molloy, G., on behalf of the iCARE Study Team (December 2, 2021). Understanding determinants of adherence to COVID-19 physical distancing guidance in Ireland. Invited talk at the iCARE Study International Symposium. View video
  9. Enticott, J., Boyle, J., Teede, H., Dawadi, S., Gil, J., & Slifirski, W. (December 2, 2021). iCARE experience in Australia: Nationwide longitudinal & cross-sectional representative surveys. Invited talk at the iCARE Study International Symposium. View video
  10. Gosselin Boucher, V. (December 2, 2021). Vaccine hesitancy in healthcare workers: Results from Canadian representative samples in the iCARE Study. Invited talk at the iCARE Study International Symposium. View video
  11. Joyal-Desmarais, K., Stojanovic, J., Kennedy, E.B., Enticott, J.C., Gosselin Boucher, V., Vo, H., Košir, U., Lavoie, K.L., Bacon, S.L., for the iCARE Team (December 2, 2021). Do common covariates help or harm when it comes to reducing sampling bias in COVID-19 research? Lessons from the multiverse. Invited talk at the iCARE Study International Symposium. View video
  12. Kennedy, E. (December 2, 2021). Survey infrastructure for the next emerging threat and lessons learned from this one. Invited talk at the iCARE Study International Symposium. View video
  13. Lavoie, K. (December 2, 2021). National trends in COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and determinants in Canada – April 2020 to March 2021. Invited talk at the iCARE Study International Symposium. View video
  14. Lemos-Hoyos, M. (December 2, 2021). What variables are related with the probability of getting vaccinated from covid-19 in Latin America? Invited talk at the iCARE Study International Symposium. View video
  15. Stojanovic, J., Ribeiro, P. A. B., Kosir, U., Bacon, S. L., Lavoie, K. L. (December 2, 2021). Impacts of COVID-19 on individuals with multiple chronic conditions: Analysis from a series of representative samples in Canadians. Invited talk at the iCARE Study International Symposium. View video
  16. Rash, J. (December 2, 2021). Improving COVID-19 vaccine acceptance: Applying frameworks from the behavioural sciences to progress from an understanding of vaccine hesitancy to personalized interventions. Invited talk at the iCARE Study International Symposium. View video
  17. Stojanovic, J., Bacon, S. L., Lavoie, K. L., Altieri, E., Kuchenmuller, T., & Nagyova, I. Applying behavioral science for public health communication: insights from global COVID-19 initiatives. Workshop. European Public Health virtual conference. November, 2021.
  18. Stojanovic, J., et al. on behalf of the iCARE Study Team. Understanding the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on individuals with chronic conditions: Results from the global iCARE study. European Public Health virtual conference. November, 2021
  19. Caputo, E., Lavoie, K.L., Bacon, S.L., Ribeiro, P., & Reichert, F. Physical activity and COVID-19 concerns: an Americas overview. CIUSSS-NIM 5th Research Day, November 5, 2021.
  20. Deslauriers, F. Les impacts de la COVID-19 sur la vie des Canadiens ayant des maladies chroniques. CIUSSS-NIM 5th Research Day, November 5, 2021.
  21. Joyal-Desmarais, K., Atoui, M., Bacon, S.L., Boucher, V.G., Enticott, J.C., Kennedy, E.B., Košir, U., Lavoie, K.L., Stojanovic, J., Vo, H., on behalf of the iCARE Team (2021). How Successful is the Use of Covariates to Control for Sampling Biases? Empirical Lessons from Comparing Convenience and Quasi-Representative Samples. Lightning talk at the Metascience 2021 conference. September 16-18, 2021. https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/D6ZWJ
  22. Boucher, V. G., Deslauriers, F., Fortin, A., Woods, R., Joyal-Desmarais, K., Stojanovic, J., Vallis, M., Corace, K., Stewart, S., Bacon, S. L., & Lavoie, K. L., on behalf of the iCARE team. The impact of COVID-19 on mental health around the world: Results from the iCARE Study. Health Psychology and Behavioural Medicine (presented at the Canadian Psychological Association conference May 31-June 5, 2021)
  23. Lavoie, K. L. Adhésion aux comportements préventifs et aux intentions de vaccination dans le monde: résultats de l’étude iCARE. Conference presentation May 4, 2021: 88th Acfas Conference.
  24. Deslauriers, F., Boucher, V. G., Joyal-Desmarais, K., Woods, R., Fortin, A., Vallis, M., Corace, K., Campbell, T., Presseau, J., Stewart, S., Bacon, S. L., & Lavoie, K., L., on behalf of the iCARE study team. The impact of COVID-19 on the lives of Canadians with non-communicable chronic disease: Results from the iCARE study. Health Psychology and Behavioural Medicine / Psychologie de la santé et médecine du comportement (presented at the Canadian Psychological Association conference May 31-June 5, 2021)
  25. Kosir, U., Lavoie, K. L., & Bacon, L. S. Canadian university students’ attitudes and concerns about returning to school during a pandemic. Oral presentation April 21-22, 2021: COVID-19 and Public Health Forum.
  26. Deslauriers. F. (2021, 15 Avril) Les impacts de la COVID-19 sur la vie des Canadiens ayant des maladies chroniques [Présentation de thèse d’honneur]. Congrès des thèses de spécialisation en psychologie de l’UQÀM 2021, Montréal, Québec, Canada. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7Y7hFasGwU
  27. Deslauriers. F. (2021, 14 Avril) Les impacts de la COVID-19 sur la vie des Canadiens ayant des maladies chroniques [Présentation de thèse d’honneur]. CMCM Conférence Public: Rester en santé en temps de Pandémie, Montréal, Québec, Canada. Conférence publique : Rester en santé en temps de pandémie
  28. Boucher, V.G. D’événement extraordinaire à coopération international: l’étude iCARE dans la lutte contre la COVID-19. Virtual ICEPS Conference 2021, April 1st, 2021
  29. Deslauriers. F. (2021, April 1) Impacts of COVID-19 on the lives of Canadians living with a Chronic Disease [Honor Thesis Presentation]. MBMC Online Talk: Staying Healthy During the Pandemic, Montréal, Québec, Canada. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpM5FaNKw0g&list=PLEA8514C81D048181&index=15
  30. Bacon, S. L., Stojanovic, J., & Kosir, U. International COVID-19 Awareness and Responses Evaluation Study (The iCARE Study): Leveraging an international perspective to better understand COVID-19. ACS Meeting, March 10, 2021
  31. Lavoie, K. L. Comment gérer une pandémie sur le plan du comportement humain? Grands entretiens, Living Lab Charlevoix, online, February 22, 2021
  32. Lavoie, K. L. Global challenges and opportunities for behaviour change scientists: A focus on climate change, public health, and bringing behavioural medicine to low-middle income countries. Science of Behaviour Change Annual Virtual Meeting, February 23, 2021.
  33. Stojanovic, J. Assessing public awareness, attitudes, concerns, and behavioural responses to COVID-19 public health policies: an overview of the global iCARE study. Health Technology Assessment International, Health Economics Methods in Rapid HTAs in Response to COVID-19 Webinar, online, September 21, 2020.
  34. Lavoie, K. L., Bacon, S. L. iCARE Study. COVID-19 Survey Working Group, online, September 23, 2020
  35. Lavoie, K. L. Un virus, des consignes et… des gens. Virtual Public Lecture, UQAM Cœur des sciences, online, December 16, 2020.
  36. Lavoie, K. L. Behavioral interventions are only as good as the persons delivering them: Optimizing and measuring treatment fidelity in behavioral interventions. Society for Clinical Trials Virtual Meeting, December 14, 2020.
  37. Lavoie, K. L. iCARE Global Study: Sociodemographic disparities in how the COVID-19 has impacted mental health, access to care, health behaviours, social relationships, and occupational and financial status in five countries: Canada, the US, France, Brazil and Taiwan. American Psychosomatic Society Virtual Meeting, December 3, 2020.
  38. Lavoie, K. L. Comment mieux vivre avec la pandémie? Virtual Public Lecture, Espace Yoop, CIUSSS-NIM, online, December 2, 2020.
  39. Stojanovic, J., & Ribeiro, P. International COVID-19 Awareness and Responses Evaluation (iCARE) Study: Results from Cardiometabolic Risk Population. Presented at the CAPCR webinar series, October 28, 2020.
  40. Boucher, V. G., Stojanovic, J., Lavoie, K.L, & Bacon S.L. Defining the different phases of the COVID-19 pandemic: an iCARE study open access code development project. CIUSSS NIM Research Day, October 1-2, 2020.
  41. Lavoie, K. L., Bacon, S. L. iCARE Global Study: Associations between COVID-19-related concerns and adherence to public health measures. European Health Psychology Society Virtual Annual meeting 2020, August 25, 2020.
  42. Lavoie, K. L. iCARE International COVID-19 Survey: initial findings and recommendations. International Behavioural Trials Network Conference 2020, online, May 28, 2020.


  1. Séguin, K., Stojanovic, J., Lavoie, K.L., & Bacon, S.L. The impact of COVID-19 on Canadians with non-communicable chronic diseases and co-morbid psychological disorders: Results from the iCARE study. Poster presented at the CIUSSS-NIM 5th Research Day, November 5, 2021 (PDF).
  2. Voisard, B., Gosselin Boucher, V., Dragomir, A., Corace, K., Vallis, M., Campbell, T., Bacon, S. L., & Lavoie, K. L. Training Physicians in Motivational Communication Using Integrated Knowledge Transfer: Results of an Ongoing Study. Poster presented at the CIUSSS-NIM 5th Research Day, November 5, 2021.
  3. Joyal-Desmarais, K., Lavoie, K., & Bacon, S., on behalf of the iCARE Team. (2021). Understanding Pandemic-Related Experiences Through an International Survey-Based Collaboration: The iCARE Study. Poster presented at the 2021 Meeting of the Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science (SIPS). Virtual Conference, June 23-25, 2021.
  4. Boucher, V.G., Voisard, G., Bacon, S., & Lavoie, K. L. The impact of COVID-19 on Essential Service workers in Canada: Results from two nationally representative samples in the iCARE Study. Poster presentation April 21, 2021: COVID-19 & Public Health Forum 2021. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGYgZ7scMCA&list=UUc2xkfHVZxm2JN3DekvtGBw&index=1
  5. Stojanovic, J., Ribeiro, P. A. B., Boucher, V. G., Bacon, S. L., Lavoie, K. L., for the iCARE Study Team. Mapping COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in Canada to support effective communication: Findings from the iCARE study. Poster presentation April 21, 2021: COVID-19 & Public Health Forum 2021. Link to presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fE7T3vnI68Y
  6. Hayashi-Neto, D. Vieira, A. M., Stojanovic, J., Ribeiro, P. A. B., Lavoie, K. L., & Bacon, S. L. iCARE Global Study: Preliminary results from Brazil. Social BRIDGES Virtual conference, online (YouTube), July 22-24 2020
  7. Stojanovic, J., Ribeiro, P. A. B., Lavoie, K. L., & Bacon, S. L. Public perceptions and behavioural responses to the COVID-19 emergency in Italy: Results from the wave 1 of the iCARE study. Social BRIDGES Virtual conference, online (PDF), July 22-24 2020
  8. Ribeiro, P. A. B., Stojanovic, J., Boucher, V. G., Bruno, R., Bacon, S.L., & Lavoie, K.L. Exploring COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Among the Canadian Population. Canadian Public Health Association Conference, online, October 2020