• Aperçu de nos recherches

    Nos chercheurs ont publié des centaines d’articles scientifiques dans des revues évaluées par des pairs.

Notez bien que les articles présentés sont dans leur langue originale.

The evaluation of a brief motivational intervention to promote intention to participate in cardiac rehabilitation

septembre 12, 2018

Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) is an effective treatment for cardiovascular disease, yet many referred patients do not participate. The efficacy of motivational interviewing with prospective CR patients, which could be beneficial in this context, has not been examined. This study investigated the impact of motivational interviewing on intention to participate in CR. This RCT concluded that … Lire la suite

Impact of cognitive-behavioral interventions on weight loss and psychological outcomes

septembre 12, 2018

This analysis examined the effects of cognitive-behavioral therapy weight loss (CBTWL) interventions on weight loss, psychological outcomes (eating behaviors [cognitive restraint, emotional/binge eating], and depressive/anxiety symptoms) in adults with overweight or obesity. In addition to weight loss, current evidence suggests that CBTWL is an efficacious therapy for increasing cognitive restraint and reducing emotional eating. However, … Lire la suite

Sex-Specific Associations Between Alcohol Consumption and Incidence of Hypertension

septembre 12, 2018

Although it is well established that heavy alcohol consumption increases the risk of hypertension, the risk associated with low levels of alcohol intake in men and women is unclear. We searched for original cohort studies on the association between average alcohol consumption and incidence of hypertension in people without hypertension. Data from 20 articles with … Lire la suite

Positive and Negative Affect Is Related to Experiencing Chest Pain During Exercise-Induced Myocardial Ischemia

mai 25, 2017

Silent myocardial ischemia is thought to be associated with worse cardiovascular outcomes due to a lack of perception of pain cues that initiate treatment seeking. Negative and positive affect (NA and PA) have been associated with increased/decreased pain reporting, respectively but these psychological factors have not been examined within the context of myocardial ischemia. This … Lire la suite

Panic Disorder and Asthma Outcomes

mai 25, 2017

Panic disorder (PD) is common among asthmatics and is associated with worse asthma outcomes. This may occur due to psychophysiological factors or to cognitive/affective factors. This study evaluated the impact of panic attacks (PAs) on bronchoconstriction and subjective distress in asthmatics with and without PD. Results, presented as hypothesis generating, suggest that asthmatics with PD/PA … Lire la suite

Anxiety Symptoms May be Masking Coronary Artery Disease in Women

mai 25, 2017

Women diagnosed with coronary artery disease (CAD) typically experience worse outcomes relative to men, possibly through diagnosis and treatment delays. This may be influenced by mood and anxiety disorders, which are more prevalent in women and have symptoms (eg, palpitations and fatigue) that may be confounded with CAD. Our study concluded that women with anxiety … Lire la suite

Countering Clinical Inertia with Behaviour Change Theory, Shared Decision-Making, and Best Practice Guidelines

mai 25, 2017

Nonadherence to clinical practice guidelines is referred to as clinical inertia. We review evidence for the ubiquity of clinical inertia across a variety of chronic health conditions, and the the organizational, system, patient, and provider factors that serve to maintain it. An evidence-based framework to address these limitations is proposed that uses behavior change theory … Lire la suite

Improving COPD Outcomes through Treatment of Comorbid Neuropsychiatric Conditions

mai 25, 2017

COPD is highly prevalent and associated with substantial morbidity and mortality. Many studies have evaluated the prevalence of neuropsychiatric conditions in patients with COPD. This review presents evidence regarding the prevalence of neuropsychiatric conditions in COPD, their risk factors, and their impact on relevant outcomes. It also discusses assessment and treatment of neuropsychiatric conditions and … Lire la suite

Need to Improve Assessment and Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders in Patients with Occupational Asthma

mai 25, 2017

High rates (34%) of psychiatric disorders in patients evaluated for occupational asthma have been reported. This study concludes that psychiatric morbidity is associated with lower employment rates and greater use of emergency services. Greater efforts should be made to assess and treat psychiatric disorders in this population.

Efficacy of exercise presentation at the 2015 iCEPS conference

mars 23, 2015

Dr. Simon Bacon’s presentation at the 2015 iCEPS conference in Montpellier, France.

Symposium sur la réadaptation cardiorespiratoire

février 23, 2015

Les Drs Lavoie et Bacon présentent deux conférences lors du Symposium sur la réadaptation cardiorespiratoire de l’Université Laval en février 2015.

New publication in Journal of Anxiety Disorders

février 12, 2015

The vasovagal response (VVR) is a common medical problem, complicating and deterring people from various procedures. VVR involves processes similar to those observed during episodes of strong emotions and pain. We hypothesized that heightened perceived control would reduce symptoms of VVR.

Dr. Lavoie presents a talk on motivational communication at the DNA’s 2014 annual meeting

mars 23, 2014

Dr. Kim Lavoie offers a session on motivational communication at the 2004 DNA annual meeting.

The Impact of Mood and Anxiety Disorders on Incident Hypertension at One Year

janvier 1, 2014

The first study to assess the prospective impact of mood and anxiety disorders on incident hypertension.

Psychiatric Disorders and COPD: Still Stronger Evidence for Convincing Policymakers?

mars 23, 2013

MBMC team of researchers puts forth an imperative to improve the measure of psychiatric status by developing new tools and increasing the discriminative performance of existing tools.