Additional Information
Deadlines for the data analysis
The iCARE team will occasionally prompt project contact persons to review their project information and submit updates to iSAP as needed. For data analysis requests, the iCARE study team will communicate directly with the Local Lead Investigators in order to fine-tune the analyses and discuss any emerging discrepancies.
Research integrity
The iCARE study team encourages the open-science movement, and highly recommends that all products created as part of the iCARE study be described in enough detail and made available in open access. The methodological paper, describing the iCARE study has been published:
The iCARE study team is dedicated to maintaining high quality and transparency as well as increasing the value of all iCARE research processes.
Reporting standards
- Open science: The iCARE study team encourages the open-science movement, and highly recommends that all products created as part of the iCARE study be described in enough detail and made available in open access.
- Pre-registration of the analysis: The iCARE study team has developed an analysis pre-registration template that is accessible here: We highly encourage registering your research and analysis plan in advance.
- Reporting standards: We strongly recommend following the rules of good scientific practice and implementing established research reporting guidelines to increase the transparency of your iCARE study. Please refer to for more information.
- Pre-print upload: reprints offer a good opportunity to share your research paper and receive feedback from the wider community, without peer review. We invite you to submit your paper to a pre-print server prior to submitting it for a publication in a traditional scholarly journal. Possible on-line repositories are: OSF-preprints (, PsyArXiv (, SocArXiv (, MedRixv ( etc.)
Research dissemination
The iCARE study team highly encourages dissemination and presentation of study results in different formats and for different audiences.
- Knowledge translation products (e.g. infographics, one-page summaries, and dissemination through social media). Support for those materials can also be provided by our coordinating centre via You can also browse iCARE study infographics. We will provide our study collaborators with templates for creating their own infographic materials (available soon on OSF).
- Policy briefs with concise summaries of the iCARE research and possible recommendations that can target government policymakers and have influence on both current and future policies
- Scientific papers: publications in academic journals
Roles and responsibilities of the authors in research dissemination:
- Authors are obliged to acknowledge the contribution of the iCARE study team, the iCARE funding bodies, and any required bodies that provided publicly available data as part of iCARE Research Materials in all oral and written presentations, disclosures, or publications resulting from any analyses conducted on iCARE Research Materials.
- Specific details of how and what should be reported are included in the iCARE collaborator acknowledgment document
- Authors should submit a final version of the published manuscript and a web link of the publication to the iCARE study coordinator (
- All manuscripts will be made available, consistent with Canadian copyright laws.
Notify the iCARE team if you receive funding for your iCARE-related research
We advise authors to inform us in case any funding becomes available as part of their individual iCARE-related research. This funding body can ultimately be added to the formal list of the iCARE study funders and acknowledged among the papers and presentations of the project (contact:
Don’t hesitate to contact the iCARE study team at