June 23, 2021

L’étudiant instigateur du jeu Pandémie et vérité, Vincent Gosselin-Boucher, parle avec Marie-Lou St-Onge à l’émission Sur le vif sur les ondes de OhDio de Radio-Canada (et nombreuses autres entrevues)

June 23, 2021

Un groupe de l’UQAM lance le jeu Vérité ou Pandémie qui amène les joueurs à voyager à travers sept enjeux liés à la pandémie pour leur procurer une compréhension plus juste des enjeux scientifiques entourant la COVID-19 et les outiller pour changer le cours de l’histoire.

June 15, 2021

Sur la plateforme Vérité ou Pandémie, le youtubeur Thomas Gauthier s’entretient avec la professeure et psychologue Kim Lavoie, spécialiste dans les comportements de santé. Quand tu dis à une population au complet de changer, euh, tout… comment ça se passe? On l’a vécu, maintenant on va en apprendre sur la science derrière le comportement.

June 2, 2021

Dr. Simon Bacon talks to CJAD about the risks of using dates for Quebec’s reopening plan, from psychological impacts, confusion, and people dropping out of following health measures.

June 1, 2021

Dr. Simon Bacon talks about how the Habs win and the reopening create a “perfect storm of hope” that has its own set of risks.

June 1, 2021

Dr. Simon Bacon talks to The Gazette and notes how Quebec’s date-based reopening plan negates the need for people to engage in a safe and sustainable process.

May 20, 2021

Dr. Kim Lavoie talks about the difficulties of Quebec having to pull back on its date-based reopening should any unexpected setbacks arise

May 19, 2021

Lors d’un entretien à l’émission 24-60, la co-directrice du CMCM Dre Kim Lavoie remarque que le plan de déconfinement du Québec annoncé le 18 mai semble plutôt chronologique qu’épidémiologique.

May 18, 2021

In an interview with the Montreal Gazette, MBMC co-director Dr. Kim Lavoie talks about how the Legault government might frame the loosening of pandemic restrictions for the summer.

May 17, 2021

Un chercheur du CMCM, Vincent Gosselin-Boucher, parle avec Le Devoir de récentes données d’une étude sur la grippe en temps de pandémie.

May 16, 2021

Des chercheurs australiens et canadiens (du Centre de médecine comportementale de Montréal) fournissent une autre preuve, chiffres à l’appui, que le SRAS-CoV-2 et le virus de l’influenza sont bien différents.

May 14, 2021

MBMC Co-Director Dr. Simon Bacon talks to Global News Montreal about how the health measures developed to battle the COVID-19 pandemic can remain useful in the long-term.

May 13, 2021

MBMC researcher Jovana Stojanovic talks to the media about how influenza was basically annulled across both the north and south hemispheres, which speaks volumes about how contagious COVID-19 is compared to influenza.

May 12, 2021

Le co-directeur du CMCM Simon Bacon parle avec le Journal de Montréal à propos de ce qu’aurait pu faire le fédéral pour établir un plan pancanadien clair.

May 12, 2021

The absence of a 2020-21 flu season shows how effective simple public health measures are at limiting virus transmission. A team of MBMC researchers show how in a new paper in the journal Frontiers in Public Health.

April 29, 2021

Former MBMC postdoctoral researcher Nicola Paine leads a study that will look at how staying active can help maintain health during periods of stress.

April 29, 2021

La Dre Kim Lavoie parle avec le Devoir à propos de la gestion de la transparence par les gouvernements en contexte de pandémie.

April 23, 2021

Psychologue Kim Lavoie explique que c’est plutôt le manque de précision sur les maladies et problèmes de santé admissibles qui risque de créer la confusion au sein de la population.

April 22, 2021

Dre Kim Lavoie parle avec Le Devoir que contrairement à d’autres gouvernements — dont les gouvernements fédéral et ontarien —, Québec ne consulte pas directement des experts en santé comportementale depuis le début de la crise de la COVID-19.

April 21, 2021

Patrick Lagacé invite la Dre Kim Lavoie, entre autres, à débattre la pertinence du couvre-feu au Québec aux ondes de 98.5 FM à Montréal.

April 14, 2021

Dr. Kim Lavoie talks to CJAD radio about the risks of inconsistent messages and how messaging is just as important as the measures themselves.

April 14, 2021

Dr. Simon Bacon speaks to Global News about the rise in Montrealers in favour of strict COVID-19 regulations as well as resistance to changes in health regulations.

April 13, 2021

Simon Bacon, professor in behavioural science at Concordia University, is concerned the earlier curfew may frustrate Quebecers and make them less likely to follow public health regulations.

April 9, 2021

« Le problème avec la perception du va-et-vient entre resserrement et allégement, c’est que ça laisse croire au public que le gouvernement n’a pas de plan, ou ne sait pas ce qu’il fait », selon la psychologue Kim Lavoie, titulaire de la Chaire de recherche du Canada en médecine comportementale.

April 6, 2021

La Dre Lavoie propose au gouvernement Legault d’établir un message « plus clair et cohérent », dont notamment à Québec de fournir aux citoyens « des objectifs clairs » à atteindre.

April 5, 2021

Dr. Kim Lavoie talks to CTV News Montreal about the Legault government’s health messaging surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic.

April 2, 2021

La Dre Kim Lavoie parle avec Robert Pilotte à l’émission radio Midi Plus sur les ondes des 106.9 Mauricie à propos de la gestion pandémique du gouvernement Legault.

April 1, 2021

Pour Kim Lavoie, titulaire de la Chaire de recherche du Canada en médecine comportementale de l’UQAM, certaines incohérences dans les politiques gouvernementales expliquent en partie l’adhésion de moins en moins stricte aux consignes sanitaires.

April 1, 2021

Several studies have shown a population’s willingness to comply with public health directives correlates directly with its faith in government measures, said Simon Bacon, professor in Concordia University’s Department of Health, Kinesiology, and Applied Physiology and co-director of the Montreal Behavioural Medicine Centre.

April 1, 2021

Entrevue de Kim Lavoie, professeure de psychologie en médecine du comportement à l’UQAM à l’émission de Geneviève Pettersen : est-ce que la stratégie du gouvernement Legault mènera des gens à moins suivre les mesures sanitaires?

April 1, 2021

«La semaine passée, ils disaient qu’on résistait à la troisième vague … avec ce qui se passait autour de nous avec les variants, ce n’était pas le cas du tout», déplore en entrevue la Dre Kim Lavoie, titulaire de la chaire de recherche du Canada en médecine comportementale et professeure titulaire à l’UQAM.

March 15, 2021

La Dre Kim Lavoie parle avec Geneviève Pettersen, chroniqueuse au Journal de Montréal, sur l’effet psychologique sur la population du début de la vaccination de masse.

March 15, 2021

Dr. Simon Bacon spoke with Global News about how mixed messages undermined the public’s trust. “One of the biggest problems, especially here in Quebec, has been the inconsistent messaging.”

March 15, 2021

Dr. Simon Bacon talks to The Gazette and remarks how nearly all Canadians wear masks now which marks “a huge shift” from about two per cent initially. “There is an altruistic element of everyone pulling together.”

March 13, 2021

“From a behavioral perspective, as the days get longer, it’s going to seem less and less natural to be in the house after a certain time,” said Dr. Kim Lavoie, who is currently studying adherence to COVID-19 measures around the world.

March 9, 2021

Dans le cadre d’un entretien enregistré via Zoom le lundi 22 février 2021 avec Living Lab Charlevoix, la Dre Kim Lavoie parle de l’étude iCARE et de ses diverses initiatives en lien avec la pandémie, entre autres.

March 9, 2021

Le projet Vérité ou pandémie propose aux jeunes un jeu en ligne qui permet d’obtenir une nouvelle compréhension de la science liée à la COVID-19 et où nos comportements changent l’histoire.

February 22, 2021

Quoique l’on convienne qu’il s’agit du rôle des élus d’opposition de poser des questions aux membres du gouvernement sur la lutte contre la COVID-19, la Dre Lavoie invite les élus de l’opposition à jouer de prudence dans leurs interventions.

February 8, 2021

Le Dr Simon Bacon a participé à une émission entièrement consacrée à la COVID-19 diffusée sur les ondes d’ICI Radio Canada où l’on parle des stratégies gagnantes et perdantes à travers le monde et au Canada.

February 3, 2021

Dr. Lavoie explains that her concern is we’re going to be right back where we started in three weeks, because we’re nowhere near where she thinks we need to be to justify any loosening of restrictions.

January 19, 2021

“The big question is going to be will we see the upsurge in cases two weeks from now when schools are back in full flow as we saw in the September period,” Dr. Simon Bacon explained “My projection is we will see another week and a half of downward trend before it comes up again.”

January 14, 2021

Dre Kim Lavoie co-signataire d’un texte proposant plutôt que de se placer uniquement dans une logique diagnostique avec des tests de précision réalisés en laboratoire, les tests rapides permettent de développer une logique de santé publique et de gestion de risque.

January 13, 2021

As Ontario moves into a new lockdown, Dr. Simon Bacon comments that the basis of these decisions should be communicated to improve adherence.

January 10, 2021

“La honte et la culpabilité sont des émotions négatives des plus fortes. C’est à la base de notre tendance à mentir”, explique la Dre Lavoie devant une proportion importante de gens atteints de la COVID-19 qui cachent de l’information à la santé publique.

January 8, 2021

Le Québec doit retourner en confinement : comment susciter l’adhésion de la population? Entrevue avec Kim Lavoie, titulaire de la chaire de recherche du Canada en médecine comportementale et professeure titulaire à l’UQAM.

January 7, 2021

“What [the government mandates] sends a clear message about what is necessary,” said Dr. Lavoie, adding that keeping students home for four to six weeks would have a more meaningful impact on the spread of the virus than a week-to-week wait-and-see approach.

December 28, 2020

Behavioural science expert, Dr. Simon Bacon, says Québec may need to change its decision to use fines as its approach to crackdown on those not following health measures.

December 16, 2020

Rencontrez des chercheur.e.s qui ont interrogé des personnes de partout dans le monde afin de savoir comment les gens ont vécu la pandémie et comment mieux vivre avec cette nouvelle réalité. En vedette : Dre Kim Lavoie et Vincent Gosselin Boucher

November 23, 2020

«Ce qu’on observe […] c’est que la pandémie ne fait qu’augmenter la disparité au niveau de la santé et des soins», explique la professeure de psychologie en médecine du comportement à l’UQAM, Kim Lavoie, en entrevue avec Geneviève Pettersen.

November 18, 2020

Suite à l’annonce de plus d’un vaccin prometteur, entrevue avec Kim Lavoie, professeure de psychologie en médecine comportementale à l’UQAM et Dre Cécile Tremblay, microbiologiste infectiologue au CHUM.

November 12, 2020

School-aged children and teens account for a growing percentage of Quebec’s rising COVID-19 case count — a worrying trend, said Kim Lavoie, professor and Canada Research Chair in behavioural medicine at the University of Quebec at Montreal.

October 16, 2020

Government leaders in Canada have asked people not to gather for Canadian Thanksgiving celebrations this weekend because coronavirus cases are rising in several provinces. Montreal-based behavioral scientist Kim Lavoie lays some blame on the provincial government’s messaging.

October 16, 2020

Le CIUSSS-NIM félicite la Dre Kim Lavoie et le Dr Simon Bacon du Centre de médicine comportementale pour l’obtention de quatre nouvelles subventions des Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada.

October 2, 2020

Thursday is day one of Quebec’s partial 28-day lockdown as new public health rules, but there’s still some confusion. Concordia University behavioural medicine professor Dr. Simon Bacon says the government can do better with its messaging.

October 2, 2020

La murale COVIDArtQc à Lac-Mégantic, qui s’inspirera des travaux de la Dre Kim Lavoie, chercheuse en médecine comportementale, qui mène une étude sur les effets de la pandémie sur les comportements de la population mondiale, sera la première d’un ensemble de murales que la Commission des arts, de la culture et du patrimoine souhaite implanter en 2021-2022.

October 1, 2020

Shoppers, retailers and health authorities have all observed a recent spike in shopping, as Canada’s second coronavirus wave and the prospect of impending lockdowns leave many concerned about grocery shortages. Dr. Simon Bacon, an expert in behavioural epidemiology at Concordia University says that there’s are a few reasons this kind of panic buying happens.

September 20, 2020

Entrevue avec Kim Lavoie, professeure de psychologie en médecine du comportement à l’UQAM, sur QUB Radio

September 20, 2020

Entretien entre Jean-Pierre Charbonneau, ancien député du Parti Québécois, Kim Lavoie, professeur en psychologie à l’UQAM, titulaire de la CHAIRE de recherche du Canada en médecine comportementale, Patrick Senécal, dramaturge, Jean-Pierre Rancourt, avocat criminaliste et Annie-Soleil Proteau, animatrice aux ondes de 98.5 à Montréal.

August 31, 2020

As many Montreal children return to school, some parents fear it could undermine months of efforts to keep their families safe, particularly in households where members of the family are at higher risk. As a professor conducting research on COVID-19, D …

August 24, 2020

Before educating about preventive behaviours, like mask wearing, consider if they really represent a threat to others. Guilt, shame and other aggressive and authoritarian approaches should be avoided. Professor Kim Lavoie advises being kind and express …

July 30, 2020

L’UQAM a obtenu 3,9 millions de dollars pour la création de quatre Chaires de recherche du Canada. La professeure au Département de psychologie Kim Lavoie a obtenu une chaire de niveau 1 en médecine comportementale. Le programme de recherche développer …

July 27, 2020

Au Québec, le gouvernement réfléchit à la fermeture des bars qu’une cinquantaine de Montréalais s’y sont transmis le nouveau coronavirus. De nombreux pays à travers le monde se sont préoccupés de l’indiscipline dans les bars. « La perception de l’impor …

July 22, 2020

How do you keep your distance in social settings? “I think people appreciate it is contagious but, I’m not sure they appreciate the potential problems from catching it, especially younger people who have generally been told that they will be fine (whic …

July 22, 2020

Experts agree that wearing a mask is one way to slow the spread of COVID-19 until a treatment or vaccine is discovered. Still, many people refuse to wear one, saying it’s uncomfortable or a violation of their rights. We talk to behavioural psychologist …

July 14, 2020

The number of governments recommending face coverings has gone up significantly over the past six months. The changes appear to be partly due to a better understanding of how Covid-19 spreads. There is more awareness that the risk of transmission is hi …

July 13, 2020

Universities were among the first organizations to shut down in-person operations and pivot rapidly to remote teaching and learning in response to the COVID-19 global pandemic. “Our research area is behavioural medicine – preventing disease by motivati …

July 8, 2020

Animateur à ICI-RDI Christian Latreil discuter avec Dre Kim Lavoie. « La plupart des jeunes n’écoutent pas nécessairement les communiqués de presse du gouvernement. Il faut utiliser le média qui va vraiment les rejoindre. » Source: ICI-RDI (Radio-Canad …

July 6, 2020

A Global News (Toronto) radio interview with Dr. Kim Lavoie about the importance of the right messaging when recommending mask use and in helping people to adopt and reinforce new behaviours. Source: Global News Radio (Toronto) – Listen to the intervie …

July 6, 2020

As the debate over masks rages around them, people in Cote-Saint-Luc are available now to answer all your questions on mask-wearing. Their suburb officially went all-in on masks since July 1. Bylaws like this are interesting partly because they circumv …

July 3, 2020

Protective behaviour may feel embarrassing at first, but changing the rules could help. Mandating, not just recommending, the use of non-medical masks will help convince more Canadians to wear them as the economy reopens, just as wearing seatbelts is n …

June 4, 2020

When electronic cigarettes first hit the market in the mid-2000s, they were marketed as a safe alternative to their combustible counterparts. And while manufacturers continue to make this argument, more and more scientific research is calling this claim into question.

April 14, 2020

« Les coureurs que l’on croise en marchant sont-ils plus susceptibles de transmettre la COVID-19 parce qu’ils expulsent plus d’air et éventuellement de gouttelettes de salive, dû à l’effort de la course ? » Cette question revient souvent depuis les débuts de la pandémie.

April 10, 2020

A global online survey led by researchers in Montreal is looking at how countries and their citizens are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is also examining how different government responses are affecting people’s awareness, attitudes and behaviours toward the disease. “The overall goal is to feed the data back to governments and health authorities to help them evolve their messaging strategies,” explains Dr. Simon Bacon.

April 9, 2020

Montreal researchers will compile data on the number of cases, recoveries and deaths worldwide, as well as examine the kinds of policies being enacted by different national governments. Four waves of pushes are planned, with a target to reach 100,000 respondents each time.

March 26, 2020

Social distancing and quarantine protocols may cause anxiety in some. While cabin fever is not a clinical diagnosis, Dr. Kim Lavoie, who is Chair of Behavioral Medicine at the University of Quebec at Montreal and Co-Director of the Montreal Behavioral Medicine Centre, says those who are used to busy, social, and active lifestyles may be struggling in light of COVID-19.

October 21, 2019

Some exercise is better than none and more is better than less. Even a short duration of physical activity could be enough to reduce depression, senior study author Simon Bacon of Concordia University in Montreal, Canada, said. “To some degree our study reinforces this point,” the researcher added.

October 15, 2019

In a puff of smoke, vaping has become a worldwide phenomenon. As more dimly-lit electronic cigarette stores set up shop across Montreal, Concordia University Health and Exercise Science masters students, Tasfia Tasbih and Florent Larue, aim to demystify the consequences of using e-cigarettes.

October 1, 2019

Concordia Master’s student and MBMC researcher Tasfia Tasbih is studying the prevalence of cardiorespiratory illnesses among men and women who vape. “Most e-cigarette devices contain some of the harmful constituents of regular cigarettes,” explains Tasbih.

June 2, 2019

Research has found links between mental health conditions and poorer cardiovascular health. The findings do not prove that stress disorders actually triggered heart complications but there are reasons to believe they contributed, according to Simon Bacon, co-director of the Montreal Behavioral Medicine Center and author of an editorial published with the study.

April 14, 2019

Research shows that those of us who perceive a lot of stress in our lives are at higher risk of heart attacks and other cardiovascular problems over the long term. […] The latest evidence comes from a new study of siblings in Sweden. “When people have stress disorders, these systems are being activated at all the wrong times,” says Simon Bacon of Concordia University, who studies the impact of lifestyle on chronic diseases.

April 10, 2019

The connection between mood disorders like depression and a higher risk of cardiovascular disease are “well established,” and a robust, albeit slightly contentious, literature connects cardiovascular disease with anxiety disorders. However, information …

April 9, 2019

Dr. Robert M. Kaplan, colleague of MBMC Co-Directors Kim Lavoie, PhD and Simon Bacon, PhD, writes an op-ed article in the LA Times about the University of California reaching an impasse with one of the world’s biggest publishers of academic journals ov …

March 7, 2019

People with chronic health problems who suffer from depression may find their mood improve when they do aerobic exercise, a research review suggests. “One of the key messages that we see often around aerobic exercise is: something is better than nothin …

February 19, 2019

Canadians have a right to see what’s inside their medical records. It’s well established in Canadian law. But it isn’t always easy. While Alberta’s patient portal is expected to come with links to information about the tests and the results, Kim Lavoie …

February 18, 2019

MBMC researchers continue working on the forefront of patient-oriented health research as demonstrated in newly published research and reports. Read more…

February 18, 2019

MBMC co-directors Drs. Simon Bacon and Kim Lavoie will serve as jury members for the 2019 Manulife Prize for the Promotion of Active Health.

February 17, 2019

Anouch, victime de grossophobie, nous parle de ce phénomène tristement répandu et appelle à la tolérance. Un témoignage partagé sur Facebook par un membre du Centre de médecine comportementale de Montréal Voir le témoignage On vous invite d’ailleurs à …

December 11, 2018

Prendre des antidépresseurs aurait des effets bénéfiques pour la santé mentale, mais aussi pour le cœur, selon une récente étude québécoise menée par Kim Lavoie, du Département de psychologie de l’UQAM. Une bonne chose si c’est exact car, comme le taba …

September 12, 2018

MBMC Co-Directors served on expert committees in the establishment of 2018 clinical guidelines with Hypertension Canada and Diabetes Canada, as well as in identifying research priorities for behavioural trials.

August 27, 2018

MBMC Co-Director Dr. Simon Bacon was in Vancouver at the Canadian Cardiovascular Congress in October 2017 to participate in a debate about the use of e-cigarettes as a harm reduction strategy alongside other pharmacotherapies and behavioural interventions.

August 20, 2018

Doctors in Canada prescribe more opioids per capita than any other country, though their risks are well-known and long-term benefits unclear. Non-opioid alternative therapies, such as cognitive behavioural therapy, are often cited by many national guidelines as treatment alternatives.

August 29, 2017

Watch Drs. Kim Lavoie and Simon Bacon speak during the Montreal March for Science held in April 2017 (videos)

June 16, 2017

During her talk, Dr Molly Byrne will discuss strengths and challenges of stakeholder-engaged research. She will talk about a number of studies she has conducted, all which have used strategies to engage end-users of the research. These include a research prioritisation exercise which sought the views of people with diabetes, services providers and policy makers to identify research priorities in behavioural diabetes research. Attend this talk or view it via livestream.

June 14, 2017

Both Dr. Lavoie and Dr. Bacon’s work has long been focused on increasing the visibility and impact of behavioural science in health science research. Both newly appointed to research chairs, they are poised continue promoting the vast potential of this field of medicine in addressing one of the world’s most important health challenges, chronic diseases. They also look forward to deepening the ties between researchers in the field from around the world in an effort to maximize outcomes and build capacity for the next generation of researchers.

May 25, 2017

Trop souvent, le comportement d’un patient va à l’encontre de son propre bien. Comment expliquer, par exemple, que 65 % des médicaments prescrits par des spécialistes de la santé ne sont pas consommés? Certains patients font de l’évitement, car ils n’aiment pas l’idée d’être malades, tandis que d’autres avec des conditions qui n’ont, la plupart du temps, pas de symptômes – ne réalisent pas l’importance de la médication. Discussion sur trois niveaux de conscientisation avec la Dr. Kim Lavoie.

May 24, 2017

Les maladies chroniques sont responsables pour le plus haut taux de mortalité au monde. Comment peut-on arriver à mieux les prévenir mais aussi à reconnaitre les comportements qui nous mènent vers les maladies chroniques?

May 24, 2017

Les maladies chroniques ont beaucoup de facteurs de risque comportementaux et psychologiques communs. Parmi eux, il y a le tabagisme, la mauvaise alimentation, l’inactivité physique, la sédentarité, la surconsommation d’alcool et le stress.

April 11, 2017

A great evening conference showcasing the great work of Hôpital Sacré-Coeur’s pneumology department and researchers – including those from the Montreal Behavioural Medicine Centre (MBMC).

January 17, 2017

Ignoring symptoms of a disease with a high mortality rate is a surprisingly common phenomenon, says Dr. Kim Lavoie, co-director of the Montreal Behavioural Medicine Centre and a psychology professor at the University of Quebec at Montreal. “People will cognitively avoid things they don’t want to be real; it’s a natural defence mechanism,” she says.

October 12, 2015

Millions of people suffer from asthma. Many report having poor control of their symptoms. Fortunately, new research shows there is a simple antidote: 30 minutes of exercise a day, year-round.